
12376516_962937154534_6681792338338442676_nHi there! I’m Kathryn — Betty is just a nickname. I was born and raised in North Carolina and, for the past 15 years, have called Raleigh my home. Over the past year and a half I have slowly started to work towards living a healthier lifestyle. It has been a slow progress and the scale has never been my friend! I try to focus more on how I am feeling and how my clothes fit rather than the numbers on the scale. And this has been slow and steady to say the least. I am happy to say that with the help of an amazing trainer, wonderful friends and family, as well as giving the Whole30 program a try back in August 2015, I have finally found my stride. The encouragement I’ve received from a few friends is what made me decide to share my fitness journey with you here.
I am not a writer/blogger. In fact, I have started several blogs in the past and have failed miserably. I am not a fitness or health expert by any means. I am just a 30-something girl working towards a healthier lifestyle and learning to enjoy life a bit more!
I am going to try and set myself up for success with this blog, so my goal is to post once a week. Follow along on Instagram with me if you would like to see my posts regularly! @betty_getsfit or feel free to email me at bettygetsfit@gmail.com