Snow Days, Anxiety and Fears

I hope everyone enjoyed the short break from reality and had a good snow day or two!  Thank goodness I live in the south and we only got a percentage of what they got up north!  I certainly am glad that everything is melting and we are able to get back to life as normal.  Don’t get me wrong I LOVE a good snow day and even more so when they fall on a workday, but I found it way more challenging while I was doing Whole30 and trying to stay active.

I started my snow day by meal prepping and cooking a day or two early.  I thought this would keep me busy and give me something to do.  I very much enjoyed my Netflix binge and vegging on the sofa for a bit, but after a while I got a little stir crazy because of all the energy I have.  I found it very hard to not want to snack.  (Confession– I did snack on some plantain chips, salsa and carrots— but if that is the worst of it I think I am safe).

Saturday I decided I had to get out of the house.  I walked to the grocery store to pick up a few things as cardio and came home and put together a at home workout to try and add a little strength training to my day.  Then I went back to being bored.  Finally by Sunday I was able to get back to a more normal day which was nice.

One of the hardest things I found during my two days snowed in at home was how anxious I was about the fact that I threw my scale away and I couldn’t weigh myself.  If you follow me on Instagram you might have seen the post I posted a little over a week ago about this.  As much as I don’t try and focus on the weight lost, I have a horrible habit of weighing myself at least once a day.  I confessed this to my trainer and he finally talked some sense into me and I came home and threw it away.

The first few days without the scale I would find myself walking to where it was to step on, only to remember I didn’t have it anymore.  It wasn’t that big of a deal, but with the boredom of being stuck inside I found myself stressing over the unknown.  This has subsided a bit since I have gotten back into my regular life, but I am still getting anxious about not knowing what my weight has done in the past week.

Because I know that this isn’t healthy for me nor is it keeping with the person I want to be I decided to ask myself “Why can’t I just let this go?”  I am not sure if I have the real answer for this question yet but what I have come up with relates back to my fear of failure.

In the past I tend to sabotage myself.  This way failure makes sense— I didn’t give it my all so that is why I failed.  Well I have not done that this month.  I have committed myself 100% to living Whole30 and have made sure to keep myself active and in the gym at least 5 days a week.  I know that my 30 days are coming to an end and I am terrified that all of my hard work isn’t going to reflect on the scale or the measurement.

I have a lot more energy this time around and I know that I am able to do more in my workouts that I was able to do last August, but I don’t feel the difference as much in my clothes and looking in the mirror.

So I need a plan! I need something to keep my spirits up and my mind sane on February 1st when I step on that scale to remind myself that I did not fail even if the numbers are not what I hope for them to be.  I am going to hang onto the energy that I have and be proud of completing another Whole30.  I am going to be proud of myself to making the gym an priority this month and getting there 5 times a week for the entire month!  I am going to hold onto every comment, every text or email people have sent me telling me how proud they are of me and how good I look.  And hopefully the scale will reflect my hard work and if not— there is always next month!

