Whole30, Break ups and Victories!

Inspirational Quote about Life and Success - Visit us at InspirationalQuotesMagazine.com for the best inspirational quotes!: I wish I had reached the point in my journey that I just didn’t care about the weight loss during Whole30, but I am just not there.  So on the eve of completing this round of Whole30 I wanted to reflect on the Non Scale Victories (NSV) I have noticed this time instead of the weight loss and measurements.

The biggest NSV this round in my opinion has been completing these 30 days immediately following a break up. In some ways I think it made it easier to do Whole30 while healing from a broken heart, but in other ways it made it so much more difficult.  In the first few days it gave me something to control, focus on and put all my energy into instead of thinking about or processing my feelings and emotions.  As the days went on it became much, much harder as I knew I needed to process and “feel” again.  At times I didn’t think at all about the food I was eating or not eating and other times all I wanted to do was comfort myself with that cupcake or cheese, or beer (yes—icing, cheese and beer are my comfort foods!)  I guess the best thing that came out of this round and the timing of it would be the fact that I have rarely focused on weight loss at all.  I just haven’t had the mental space to think about the fact that my body is changing and that I am probably losing weight and inches.  To put it in perspective, the first time I did Whole30 I still had a scale and would weigh myself daily.  Other rounds I didn’t weigh myself, but always had a “goal” of how much I wanted to lose.  And I would constantly look in the mirror to see the changes and take a guess of how much I was losing.

As I near the end I am quite curious about this.   I wonder if putting it out of my mind all together if it has made a difference on the results or if they will be similar to other rounds of Whole30.  If I was a stronger person, or someone that had learned to never focus on numbers I would allow my trainer to weigh me blindly tomorrow, but I know I am just not there yet… and that’s okay!  Maybe one day!

Other notable NSV this round include:

* Having a Whole30 New Year’s Eve

* Learning to use exercise as my stress release again

* Feeling strong!

*My asthma not getting in the way of cardio and my workouts anymore

* Staying Whole30 during the Women’s March on Washington

* Going on a series of first dates while doing Whole30 (**this point will be receiving its own blog post real soon!  Dating is hard and weird but dating and doing Whole30 has been a brand new experience!!)

* Beginning to find my balance in life again

* Graciously accepting the compliment that coworkers have given me over the past week regarding how I look and my weight loss (This is a big one for me!!)

* Giving myself some grace and not trying a ton of new recipes.  I stuck with what I know and made it easy.

* Fitting back into the pants that I bought in August and September and putting the pants that were bought in November in a bag to get altered!

* All my bra’s are too big!

* Crazy Tiger Blood levels of energy!

* Sleeping through the night

* My nails are strong and actually growing, which has never happened before!

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